Fatal Blow

There were 2 bands called Fatal Blow - one RAC band from Workington, England and the other, a regular oi band, from Cardiff Wales. The RAC band formed in '86 and only played one gig in '87. This demo is supposedly from '84, but I have no fucking clue, nor do i really give a shit, but if all this info is correct then it's the Welsh band by default.


listen if you dare... them as "the Infas"

Thursday, December 18, 2014

updated Abnormal

added some are live tracks and a demo to the Abnormal page. taken from the Bullsheep Detector comps. their live set will be released on cd sometime soon. as for the other demo tape... track it down and send it my way.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Macc Lads - jingle bells

holiday time soon enough, have a merry yuletide. more light in the sky soon and tons of drinking and stupid holiday shit to partake in meanwhile!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Skin Disease

Skin Disease - a fake band/song. This is actually a young anarchists Chumbawaumba with some extra studio time, ricking Gary Bushell and getting onto an oi comp., making fun of skinheads and oi - and gettign away with it!

newer band (japan) - Rough Stuff

Since i am running out of 80's uk bands (not done yet tho...) i bring you this now-deceased, but fairly recent band, Rough Stuff. Most of you will find this a stretch and i'm sure the brits who read this will think its ridiculous, but this band (on their 2 demos and 7") had the sound of bands like Combat, Last Resort and other simple, raw lo-fi 80s uk oi bands. The vocals are completely japanese-english bullshit, but, hey - what the fuck can ya do? Their self tilted 2009 7" came in black or marbled oxblood or bleach splatter denim colors, i don;t know why but i fucing love that. On their only full length release they took more streetpunk approach and i stopepd paying attention. They were around from roughly '07 to '11 - a drunk japanese guy in NYC told me they're done for sure.

here's their material before they turn more "streetpunk"

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Vice Squad

yeah yeah i fuckin know... there's not that many oi oi bands with real recordings left to put on here. Anyways, Vice Squad were lumped in with oi... in the early Gary Bushell days of oi, many people saw it as a movement and there were even "oi! conferences" where people would show up from all over, members of bands (including Beki Bondage) and the like.. weird to think of now. Anyways, here's a couple of their songs that make sense along those lines.

i will post more later... i might elaborate on this later. maybe. maybe i can find the story on it from the old Punk Lives magazine i read before. but right now, its time for me to drink.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Offensive Weapon

ok here is another historial clusterfuck. Besides the "controversial" band from the USA today named Offensive Weapon, there were 2 80's UK bands. This one, if i'm not mistaken, being from Wales (with a song called Belfast) and actually being punks, while the pictures in the youtube video are of skins from the other 80's uk band called Offensive Weapon, who was apparently a RAC band from Belfast. This sort of falls in line with the 2 bands called Fatal Blow, one being a straight up oi oi band (from Cardiff, Wales - makes sense) and the other being a RAC band. there is an article below.

Band History written by Benny of A.S.B. fanzine by way of Kill From The Heart

"Early foundations of Offensive Weapon (Mid Wales) began to take shape in the summer months of 1981 when four young mates all inspired by the emerging talents of The Angelic Upstarts, Cockney Rejects, Cock Sparrer, and 4-Skins who were standard bearers for the fresh exciting new breed of British Streetpunk, got together to form a band which was initially called Social Disease. Each also shared a passion for the Punk Rock sounds of UK Subs, The Ruts, Slaughter & The Dogs, Menace, Skrewdriver, The Lurkers and Sham 69.

A couple of months rehearsing, several line-up changes, and a name change later, the band, Twizz - Vocals, Mike - Guitar, Martin - Bass, and John - Drums, were ready to take on the world. Early gigs were played at local pubs, clubs, schools and church fetes, and Offensive Weapon, as they were then known, were soon picking up a small but loyal and decidedly mental following of punks, skins, local criminals and other dubious characters who became known locally as the 'Offensive Weapon wreckin' crew' or the KBA (Knighton Barmy Army).

Unfortunately for O.W., as well as enjoying the band's music there was nothing certain elements of the KBA enjoyed more than having a damn good scrap and it wasn't long before many of Offensive Weapon's gigs, if not cancelled beforehand, were being brought to an abrupt end as the events decended into chaos. The band found themselves being labelled as 'trouble' with a capital T and were finding it increasingly harder to get local gigs.

It was around this time that John decided to leave, stating that he could no longer stand the abuse he had to endure from certain other band members and certain elements of their following, he also wasn't happy with the direction the band seemed to be taking. Out goes John, in comes a local boy, born and bred: Alec Hughes, who hated the world with a vengeance and only ever left his home to practice or gig with the vand. He was a natural to fill the recently vacated drumstool of Offensive Weapon.

Alec's addition to the line-up saw Offensive Weapon grow in confidence and start to play gigs further and farther afield: Cardiff & Bristol (several times) with the likes of The Oppressed, Fatal Blow, Societies Rejects, Condemned, Soldier Dolls, Wipeout, Onslaught, Chaos UK, Picture Frame Seduction amongst others. Merthyr Tydfil (twice) with Dead On Arrival (later known as Foreign Legion), Direct Action, Devoid and others. Llanfyllin (Montgomery), with YR Anrefn, Back To Back, and a shit load of Welsh Speaking bands. Liverpool, with Distortion, The Aborted, The Insane. And a variety of venues around the Midlands with bands such as Devoid, Dead Wretched, Dying Cult, The Anthill Mob, Thermal Undies and more. As well as helping organise the 'Armageddon Festivals' with the PBO and sharing stages with the likes of The Oppressed, Vicious Rumours, Intnesive Care, Condemned 84, The Samples, Poison Justice, Chaos, Solvent Abuse, Brutal Attack, Foreign Legion, Resistance 77, English Dogs, YR Anrefn, The Accursed, Picture Frame Seduction and many many more.

By this time stories of the violence at Offensive Weapon gigs had made the band so notorious that several palms had to be greased with charitable donations before the venue could be booked, and even then the booking had to be made under a false name such as the Presteigne Bible Club or Presteigne Family Knitting Circle or something equally ridiculous. Imagine the looks on the faces of the local police and counsellors when 100's of punks & skins turned up on Festival days - it was a picture.

Somewhere in this melee Mike (the guitarist) decided to quit the band, he decided he didn't like travelling to gigs and felt that with all the trouble that seemed to follow them about that "It's only a matter of time before one of us is hurt or seriously killed" as he said to Twizzle at the time.

His replacement Thommo, former guitarist with Midlands bands Dying Cult and P.P. & The Pungent Smells, moved to Wales and joined Offensive Weapon sometime at the tail end of 1983 or early in 1984.

Several demo and live tapes were recorded during the band's short and not so glorious existance, none of which survive besides for a recently rediscovered 16-song bonanza recorded live thru a homemade 4-track and was distributed to fanzines and record labels as well as being given away/sold at gigs and to mates. Although rough and ready these recordings (Twizz - Vocals, Thommo - Guitar, Martin - Bass, Alec - Drums) were regarded by many to be Offensive Weapon's best and were well received by the fanzine press of the time and attracted passing interest from Rot Records, Riot City, No Future, Punishment Block, and Roddy Moreno's Oppressed (Oi!) Records. Sadly nothing ever came of that 'passing interest' and nothing was ever released by the band which once they split left nothing behind but a few bruises and scars and a barrel full of fond memories.

1985 started slowly for Offensive Weapon who grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of gigs and absence of that so elusive Record Deal. Rehersal times were taken up by more and more arguments and it soon became obvious that the band had grown to loathe each other, so it was decided that a gig they were to play at Builth Wells with London bands 16 Guns, Chaos, and Dead Loss would possibly be their last. "Cometh the hour cometh the man", are not as the case may be cos the guitarist and drummer failed to show and Offensive Weapon never actually played. The gig ended in a riot situation with about 100 punks besieged in the venue by around 400 locals. Even tho O.W. never played the local press jumped on their involvement and had a field day. Enough was enough and Offensive Weapon called it a day.

A couple of years ago the aforementioned 16-song Demo was rediscovered in the fabled 'Box under the Bed' and mysteriously found its way into the hands of French Eddie who was looking for material from early 80's British Punk & Oi! bands to release on his Revenge Records label. He selected four songs for release as a 7" EP.

The chosen four songs were sent to a studio and rennovated to a quality which would be suitable for vinyl release; unfortunately shortly after that the 16-song Demo and the four restored tracks went AWOL once again (Benny's filing system is not what it should be).

The lost, found, lost again tapes have once again resurfaced and now, not only are we hoping to resurrect French Eddie's interest in the planned 7" but maybe we'll be able to rennovate the entire 16-song recording to a quality fit for release as a full length CD so at last Offensive Weapon can leave more than a few bruises and fond memories behind as a legacy."

the Warriors

Warriors (and a separate Last Resort) info from Backstreet Battalion skinzine

the Warriors were/are a confusing sort of continuation of the Last Resort (& "the Resort") - even once briefly known as "the Warriors a.k.a. the Last Resort". Warriors has had both singers from the Last Resort and have existed while the Resort did too, in different time periods... it's confusing shit. I will add details later. For now here's 2 songs with the first lineup featuring Roi Pierce on vocals, the only material recorded in the 80's:

Maniac Youth

From the Son of Oi! comp. - another one-off band? a band who never went further or were they just drunk assholes from other bands with extra studio time? we'll probably never know (or care)...


finished the rest of the Glory and added Intensive Care's "Rebels..." 12" + 83 & 84 demos.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Porno Cassettes

An almost non-existent band with an extremely rare record, that has just finally been re-issued. They remind me of those fake punk bands trying to cash in on or make fun of punk but somehow do a good job. If it wasn't for the info i found on them, i would've thought they were a joke (info on the band: http://www.boredteenagers.co.uk/PORNOCASSETTES.htm)

Anyway, this isn't a hard brick wall oi sound, and some oi purists might dismiss it altogether, but either way here it is.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

the Crack

1980's england's favorite slade-influenced boi band

...more coming soon...

Friday, November 14, 2014


updated Antisocial with rehearsal with unreleased songs, Condemned 84 with their first tape and filled in 80's catalog

Thursday, November 13, 2014


A skunk band that switched between male and female vocals, and walked the line with hard midtempo oi style music with punk sentiment.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Final Offensive

might be RAC band, can't remember

...more to come... maybe

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Inflicted Youth

don't get too excited... this is just shits until someone can produce a better copy.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


i can't really remember what i have all updated but 2 things that stick out are some things i added to youtube: both Criminal Damage demos in one video & a rare song by the Betrayed.

i think since i am running out of bands (we'll see, shit always keeps popping up, and i've probably forgotten some really obvious ones) and due to the lack of one solid website on the internet, i might actually take the time to go over all of this aand fill in missigns songs and make it more like a real website with pictures, discographies, any info on band members etc. I have come across a handful of dead website that have sort of started doing that, but none of them ever have much material and have been left to rot. I have most of the 80s oi bands in one spot, for everyone with good taste listen to, so i guess i will take it to the next level instead of being a lazy prick - granted i also do a few other "blogs" - but this music will always hit closest to home with me (ironically i live in the USA).

also, if you haven't noticed i m not a fan of correcting typos or stupid fuckin grammar in general. i guess i'll have to put on my big-boy boots if i wanna shape this shit up. either way you all get the point, and thanks for checking this site out and keeping alive some of the best shitty music ever to be poorly recorded!

my other "blogs":
80's UK Punk - http://uk82punk.blogspot.com
80's French Oi!- http://chaosenfrance.blogspot.com
90's/early '00's Spiky Punk - http://punxpunks.blogspot.com

film: Oi! For England

fake band, Ammunition. with the theme song (better quality):

another Ammunition song:

the film:
A film/stageplay in 80s britian about a skinhead band. I stole this from my friend from Skunx(toronto)' dead old blog: In For The 80's
**INFO** Ammunition, a band of four working-class skinheads, rehearses in a basement in Moss Side, Manchester. As a race riot begins outside, they are offered the chance to perform at a fascist rally. The four lads find their loyalties tested. More info - HERE

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Last Rough Cause

this is the Zima of "oi". since i can barely stand it, i will only post 1 or 2 songs.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

the Blaggers

singer from Complete Control. Very outspoken leftwing band, turned into Blaggers ITA.

extra pints for you if you get the relevance of this next songs title

song is actually called "Greetings From Ireland"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Angelic Upstarts

proto oi from the 70's into the 80's...
you know who the fuck they are, here's some samples from their earlier years, in no particular order

this is worth a cheap laugh:

some things don;t age so well...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

4 Skins

if you don't know this one then you should get the fuck out of here... if you don't know the 4-Skins you should probably go start this whole oi! thing over in real life, not on the fuckin internet.

add much more over time... maybe

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Control Zone

there's demos and more out there, now someone go find it... and no NOT the other Control Zone from northern ireland, from the same time period, who're still around.

the Strike

victims (1)

victims (2)

too lazy, more later

Monday, October 6, 2014

Barbed Wire

hybrid of metallic hardcore punk and oi.

split lp "Skins 'N" Punks vol. 4" with the Abnormal

Five O

there are a few more demo songs out there from the same demo as the last 2^ , but they aren't close to oi and i hate them more than the last 2..


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Barney and the Rubbles

Barney and the Rubbles

'I like Beans, I like sauce,
I Like sexual intercourse'

Barney Rubble, poet, philospher and comedian. His band the Rubbles were a collection of ICF/Skin/Mods famous for songs such as Up against the 'Wall ('Do em all, Kill Millwall!'). Rubble was also responsible for catchphrases such as 'well suspect' and 'gotta ave it'. The track 'Bootboys' on Oi the Album comes the closest to Oi meets PIL.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Steel Comb

An active newer Scottish band - if you like the classic lo-fi, midtemp, melodic uk oi sound then this right is up your alley - they could easily have been some lost band from Oi! Records. They have at least one 7" out and have some songs on at least 2 compilations. They've had numerous lineup changes, so check out all of their material for variations on their sound and different versions of songs, including different singers. In case you're an american scratching your head as to what the fucks up with their name - sharpened steel combs were handy concealed weapons when running around being a violent little bastard.
INTERVIEW with steel comb

link to song BACKSTABBER on the New Dawn recordings page

Friday, July 25, 2014

honorable mentions - Montreal/Candanian Oi! - the Discords & Gassenhauer

Ok it's a far cry from British oi! - butmy life has gone to shit and i have been slacking on this, so, for now try out these 2 West(?) Montreal (NDG - some french title for that part of the city) skinhead bands from the 80's - the first and second (respectively) oi bands in Canada. It so happens that the modern NDG/Montreal oi band, the Prowlers, have covered both of these bands (makes sense - credit where it's due). Except there is a very real possibility that these old bands would be too un-PC for the Prowlers if they were actual contemporaries...

they had only one 7" out in the 80's and latger reformed in the 90's and sounded liek some snotty 90's semi pop punk parody of themselves swith a shitty album name ("Spank it!") - so let's jsut forget that ever happened and enjoy the only 4 songs the Discords ever really recorded.... They sounded like a uk82 style oi-punk band.

 R.C.M.P. = royal canadian mountie police, or something close...

they only had 3 releases on vinyl. One being a comp. track on 1985's "It Came from the Pit" and the other being comp. track on an '85 NYC/Montreal comp. - the same tracks later appeared with some Alteau artwork on a bootleg 7" asking for band members to please  contact whoever pressed it so they could give them what's deserved and half apologizing, saying that this had to be put to vinyl and they couldn't find any band members. Essentially of all of their recordings come from the same set - Digitally their whole live set is floating around somewhere and there's plenty of it on Youtube,apparently all from their last show in 1985 at the the Black Light(?):

Local Youths from the 85 "...Pit" comp....

i have the live set burned on cd somewhere, but not on hand, i have no clue what the order of these songs are.

Not sure me and Charles Bronson (Death Wish, not British berserker-prisoner) agree on this next one.. good tune either way

doing justice (enough) to "I'm A Rebel" by the Sedated.

live footage

Monday, July 21, 2014

Macc Lads

The Macc Lads - plenty to come from them in the future. for now here's some videos.

Indecent Exposure

Indecent Exposure info from Backstreet Battalion skinzine

7" to be added
But this is my favorite version of my favorite IndEx song -it's a fucking classic and is included on the video with the whole demo tape (86) below.

(wrong version?)

Sunday, June 29, 2014


after Blitz split into 2 bands, the one you probably wanna hear (unlike the last shit still labeled as "Blitz" on their singles collection...) is Rose of Victory:

second half of this video is Blitz' '80 demo

 ...to be continued...

Out Of Order

half german/half british punk&oi band. from my understanding they were Britons at a military base in germany and made a band there. they get pretty diverse and weird sometimes. all of their material has been reissued on one 12" in germany.

Monday, June 23, 2014

the Elite

Obscure band not to be confused with the RAC band or the other Oi! band of the 90's

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

honorable mentions - Netherlands/Holland - the Magnificent, the Squats, N.V. Le Anderen & Evil Conduct

Dutch "oi" bands from the 80's that sound English (to Americans).

the Magnificent

the Squats (pre-Magnificent)
a uk82 sounding punk band - as with any good streetpunk band - with oi leanings

N.V. Le Anderen (aka NV Boys)
basically just a hardcore punk band who were skinheads

Evil Conduct
samples of mid/late 80's recordings, released in the early/mid 90's

cover of the Ejected


they were one of those pseudo-oi/soul/ska deals. this is the only song that resembles oi that i have ever heard from them. I don't know if i would have ever considered this oi except i have heard it on comps growing up and its etched into my fucking brain, whether i like it of not.

Last Rites

A great punk band with oi overtones making appearances on all of their recordings except their LP. They had 2 excellent eps, a full length and a demo whose songs were distributed amongst compilations.

Friday, June 13, 2014

the Burial

Seemingly more well known for their ska/soul type music (and their fucking excellent "hit" oi song, "Friday Night") - they recorded a few great oi tracks in their early(?) days.If you feel compelled, check out their other non-oi songs on youtube. The Burial also made a brief appearance as the backing band in the Britanarchists

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Oi Polloi

here, suck on this.

Besides being controversial as basically a hippie/anarchist/crust band "disguised" as an Oi! band, there's the whole Oi Polloi/Betrayed split ("Skins N Punk Volume Two"), where, on the reissue, Oi Polloi (by request) were removed - due to Betrayed's right wing reputation- and replaced with the excellent, and often overlooked, the Strike. Look it up or buy it - it's got the same vibe as the record below -  it's better than those shitty tapes above, and beats the piss out of their crusty stuff on all of the other records. If you can wade through all the shit, they have a good oi-style tune here and there throughout their whole "crusty" career to this day.

Criminal Class

Like many of the bands who had material re-released, their music's pretty easily accessible, usually all on one cd ("Oi! Collection"... again), but didn't have everything single recording the band had done. Their previously-omitted, rare '84 demo tracks are on here. A few of other songs are missing from this page (and alt. versions) - classic band, and one of the first true all-skinhead & oi bands, going back to as early as '79.

Intensive Care

pre-Beerzone & Control

link to song "Ghost Town"

"Plastic Rebel" aka "Rebel" - alt. version

There's plenty of material missing here. An almost-complete collection was put out called "The Oi! Collection".


old song, old recording, new vocals recorded over it. Singer quit before this song was recorded back when, and another guy filled in. Now the singers (been) back and rerecorded his modern vocals over this old track.

Societys Rejects

5 or 6 songs missing ...to be continued...

Saturday, May 31, 2014

the Condemned

No, not Condemned 84

Besides "Street Life" there are 4 more songs from their muddy '85 demo ....to be continued...

East End Badoes

still figuring out how to get all of their old material before they reformed

Monday, May 19, 2014


more info here: Yesterday's Heroes...Gone Today

this is not a Combat 84 cover and is probably the best song on their first tape.

missing songs "Clockwork Testament", "Backlash", "Vicious Rumours" & "1916" from split with Oi Polloi (& later redone as split with the Strike instead).

1987 Demo

Skin Up

These are from their '84 demo. There are 2 other songs on the demo that are missing from youtube. This band also has rehearsal recordings. This is the kinda shit only people like me wanna listen to. Can't get enough.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cockney Rejects

Besides bands before them like Sham 69 and Cock Sparrer, this is THE fucking band. As you probably already know, Gary Bushell supposedly coined the music as "oi" from the Oi! shouted at the beginning of the Rejects' classic song, "oi oi oi". I will fill in other songs later, not like you need any help finding Rejects material...

on the fence about including their other albums...

On Parole

There is one song missing on this page from their only tangible release, their '82 Demo, besides getting a track from it (Condemned) on the 2nd "A Country Fit For Heroes" compilation and a limited unofficial release of the same song onto 7" just this year. Apparently they had a 2nd demo that was lost to time...


They were not an RAC band, but they made the mistake(for lack of a better word?) of participating on the "This is White Noise" comp. ep in support of their patriotic views.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Skin Deep (1)

This is their 2 demos and "Football Violence" ep, their only proper release. the last 2 songs are a different Skin Deep.


proto oi fom the 70's into the 80's...