Sunday, July 12, 2015

80's Reissues + updates (Crown Court & Last Crusade) + bring the hate

A few good reissues and collections out lately, keep your eyes peeled for the Crux / Crash split 12" (same label that put out the Violators & the Expelled collections), the Guttersnipes "the poor dress up" reissue & one outta nowhere: Renegade "stay in your homes"(!), I believe it's their demo and some extras. I will know once the package hits my doorstep. I'm pretty sure they're all from different labels in spain/catelonia for whatever reason - looks like spain's got it goin on? Either way, that means if you live in the u.s. like me then shit ain't gonna be cheap with the cost of spain's shipping. There are plenty of other more mainstream oi reissues but these are the ones that deserve some attention.

no major news here, just that i have unfucked the Last Crusade / Crown Court page(s). And i recommend that since they're hot shit, when these bands release new material buy it right away, or it'll get gobbled up by collectors and vinyl vultures who will flip it and you'll end up paying bullshit marked up prices for a brand new record.

i have also been curious as to how the british feel about some american who was born in the 80's (who doesn't know grammar worth a fuck either) & has never set foot on their island acting like a know it all about their music and culture - i wanna hear it. and the best part is... i'm a punk!
also, why the fuck hasn't anyone done this already somewhere on the internet?! i didn't want to, but it had to be done - some of the best(and worst) music ever!

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