Monday, July 21, 2014

Indecent Exposure

Indecent Exposure info from Backstreet Battalion skinzine

7" to be added
But this is my favorite version of my favorite IndEx song -it's a fucking classic and is included on the video with the whole demo tape (86) below.

(wrong version?)


  1. They May Sound Nice But This Is A RAC Band .... Nazi Music ... Not The Classical Oi1 Attitude but Dressed Up Tories !

    1. How many RAC bands play with Desmond dekker , we played loads of gigs with different bands and don't regret a thing . We have always been patriotic and never Nazi . Dressed up tories lol we are all working class lads . Another idiot who had no idea

  2. commie name should tip you off guys. red agitator. this is the kind of gobshite that creates R.A.C. out of frustrated patriots getting called bonehead their whole lives
